Ecotrackers en el Cuaybeno con los indigenas Secoyas

Ecotrackers desarrolla la protección de la Reserva Faunísitca del Cuyabeno y la cultura indígena de los Secoyas, un lugar con la explotación petrolera, la migración, la deforestación, el turismo y la expansion de la Palma Africana. (Ecotrackers develops the protection of Faunistica Reserve of Cuyabeno and the indigenous culture of the Secoyas, which is a place with petroleum exploitation, immigration, deforestation, tourism, and the expansion of the Palma Africana.)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My expectations to the ceremony

My expectations to the ceremony with Julio were therefore massive. And before Julio started out the preparations I made it clear to him that I didn’t want another tourist dose. He answered me with a big smile and made it quite clear to me that the night would be long and interesting. The preparations, cutting and cooking of the Yagé were then started as the sun was right over our heads.
Around 5 pm. everything was ready. Julio in his traditional shamanic clothing’s, but with a crown without tukan feathers, and I were both calm, but tired after a long and hot day without food. We therefore decided to lay down in the Yagé house in the outskirts of the community, wait and rest.
In one hammock were I, a man from a society where the brew we were about to drink, in the eyes of the law, is said to be as dangerous as Heroin. On the other side of the fire was Julio, with a maybe 5000 years old tradition and experiences from the age of 11 to support what he was doing. A really absurd meeting. Unfortunately didn’t Julio’s
magical songs help on the strength of the Yagé. And even after 7-8 big glasses of the bitter brew I hadn’t reached the point I wanted to, even though the butterflies, snakes and colors were dancing a slow waltz when I closed my eyes.

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