Ecotrackers en el Cuaybeno con los indigenas Secoyas

Ecotrackers desarrolla la protección de la Reserva Faunísitca del Cuyabeno y la cultura indígena de los Secoyas, un lugar con la explotación petrolera, la migración, la deforestación, el turismo y la expansion de la Palma Africana. (Ecotrackers develops the protection of Faunistica Reserve of Cuyabeno and the indigenous culture of the Secoyas, which is a place with petroleum exploitation, immigration, deforestation, tourism, and the expansion of the Palma Africana.)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

the last secoya shamans

The biggest part of the responsibility of maintaining the culture, and especially the shamanic part of it, lays, in any case, with the secoyas themselves. And with their continuing dreams about a stronger tourism, based especially in their culture and shamanic tradition, a master plan is needed. With only 4 relatively old shamans still living. With a Christianity that is continuing to get stronger, alongside the growing fear of drinking Yagé, something radically has to be done if the shamanic tradition of the secoyas shall be accessible outside the history books in the nearest future.My final suggestion, with the terrible reality in mind that 2 small schoolgirls drowned in the river under my visit, is that somebody, with the right knowledge, should visit the community and teach them how to make life jackets of material from th

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